Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic treatment is a procedure carried out to save a tooth that has been damaged due to decay, disease or injury. Teeth can be saved from extraction by having root canal treatment. In most cases, people prefer to save their teeth because it will generally function better than an artificial tooth.
Natural teeth are usually stronger, more efficient for eating and easier to clean than an artificial tooth. Problems with eating and oral health are usually associated with losing a tooth. For example, neighbouring teeth can move out of their normal position and drift into the space left by a missing tooth which can make it difficult to bite and chew and can lead to further decay.
Root canal treatment is successful in most cases and may last for many years and possibly for the rest of your life. A root canal will not be started unless the treatment is likely to succeed. In some cases, root canal treatment may not be appropriate and extraction may be the best or only option.
All general dentists are trained to perform root canal treatment. Some patients may be referred by their dentists to an endodontist who is a specialist in root canal treatment.